Sell More By Changing Your Mindset
TMM has a program that allows sales companies with a sales task force to enroll in.
This class teaches how great sellers can become the best sellers.
A couple of topic this course goes over are the 3 P’s product, price, people. We also use techniques mentioned in Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Selling should come second nature and in order for that to happen we ask that all participating parties begin with a demonstration. This demonstration will allow the rest of the class to critique what was positive of the sales technique and what can we leave out. In order to become a terrific seller they need to be on the mind set of talking to people NOT PITCHING PEOPLE.
By that we talk about job, recreation, family everyone boasts about job dreams of vacationing and thinks their family is wonderful. These are three topics people love to talk about. If the buyer can open up about that they are starting to trust you. This will be your opportunity to give your potential client options.