Your Brand…on the Big Screen Indoors or Outdoors
Billboard Advertising
Billboards have the lowest cost per thousands of impressions than all other media types.
- Billboard advertisers dominate the media landscape by complementing our mobile lifestyles and services like scaffold wraps are great for this. The average American commute is 51 minutes and 92% of drivers are exposed to outdoor advertising in a 7 day period.
- Billboard advertising costs are typically charged monthly. They can range anywhere from $250 on a rural highway to upwards of $50,000 in Times Square. Also, billboard advertising is out-of-home (OOH) advertising.
- Ability to target audiences at the neighborhood and zip code level
Cinema Advertising
Statistics prove that movie theaters continue to draw more people
than all theme parks and major U.S. sports combined.
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Reference: MPAA Theatrical Market Statistics 2013