At the forefront of any online marketing strategy your very own website will certainly be at the core.
It does not matter how many different web properties you have; You will never have total control of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc;. Social media platforms rise and fall like the stock market and their policies are forever changing.
A modern and technologically up-to-date website is the core of any marketing strategy. You can change the look and feel, the content, and how it exists on the web at your whim. Think of your website as the sun and other platforms as planets. Your website is where you unleash energy (aka content) to be distributed to the people of each planet (aka social media platform).
For example, depending on your target audience, some may use Facebook more than twitter or just twitter and not Facebook.
Here at TwyLyfe Multimedia Marketing, our team of web design and web development professionals are ready
to help you take charge of your internet presence. From fully custom websites to more budget friendly semi-custom sites, we are here to educate and assist in making your ideas become reality.
Whether you already have a website or just looking, give us a call and we can answer your questions and concerns to ensure you are an educated consumer – whether you decide to partner with TwyLyfe or with another firm!